knowledge of needs - pleasant demeanor - professional performance

 "Our mission is to contribute honestly to the development of your company.
We want to bring peace, professionalism and a trace of quality work to your employees."

News from the company life

 We are still here for you! In recent weeks, we have focused on updating our authorizations and legislative obligations that apply to almost every business entity (agenda in the field of health and safety, Fire Protection, Civil Protection, updating the person responsible for performing inspection activities of electrical equipment). We are also working on the development and expansion of our products ...

News from working life

In cooperation with the company BOZPEL s.r.o., we offer you competent services in the field of civil protection and thus fulfill the requirements of the valid Act on Civil Protection z.č. 42/1994 Coll. on civil protection of the population:
- advisory services in the field of professional, methodological, organizational, control, coordination, educational and other tasks in ensuring civil protection,
- coverage of the legislative requirement by a professionally qualified person in the field of civil protection,
- elaboration of a plan for protection of employees and to care together with related documentation in accordance with the current valid legislation of the Slovak Republic and its regular updating to the extent determined by the district office,
- training and education of employees in the field of civil protection,
- communication with the district office crisis management.

In cooperation with BOZPEL sro we also offer supplier safety training for the petrochemical and chemical industries!

Name of the training: SCC16 for operational staff according to SCC-VAZ-2021
Earliest training date: 10.01.2025Remark Nb1: The validity of the issued certificate per person is 10 years.
Price: 180,-/ person + DPHRemark Nb2: The training is in accordance with document A16 of the SCC-VAZ-2021 standard.
 Remark Nb3: The issued certificate is valid in the Slovak Republic as well as abroad.

Next training dates:  According to your needs, contact us.